About the items value of goods to Amazon FBA warehouse in Japan

By | 15/05/2020

From March 30, 2020, the Japanese customs has new regulations on the items value of goods to Amazon in Japan. The identification criteria need to be based on the Amazon link of the goods and the ASIN number to prove the sales price, and according to the various service fees of the Amazon platform combined to determine the taxable price of goods.

The currently implemented formula for calculating taxable price is:

Taxable price = (商品価格-フルフィルメント by Amazonの手数料) *100/110-(商品価格-フルフィルメント by Amazonの手数料) *関税率
Fit for Seller shipping (出品者出荷)

If your product has never been sold on Amazon in Japan, and you plan to use “shipped from Amazon”, this formula will be used to calculate the value of the first batch of cargo be sent to the Amazon FBA warehouse in Japan


Taxable price = (商品価格-出品手数料-FBA(Amazonから出荷)手数料)-(商品代金-出品手数料-FBA(Amazonから出荷)手数料) *関税率
Fit for Shipped from Amazon (Amazonから出荷)

This formula does not apply to the first batch of cargo be sent to the Amazon FBA warehouse in Japan

  • 商品価格 = selling price
  • 関税率 = Tariff rate

For the tariff rate (関税率), you can check it on Japan’s Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )

For the other data, please follow the steps below

Step 1: Open 亚马逊物流收益计算器

Click the grey button, use the system as a visitor

Step 2: Input the ASIN number

then click the yellow button to find the items

Step 3: Input the selling price

According to your actual situation, enter the selling price in the 出品者出荷 or Amazonから出荷,Then click the yellow button (計算) and the system will show you the data.